Saturday, May 29, 2010
Welcome back Mommy!!
However,am still learning about how to use this phone efficiently. I can't find the button to upload photos.please bear with me on words for the meantime
Our dearest Xavier will turn 2 next month and we plan not to have a kids party yet as he have not start liking clowns.we will have a family celebration.
Also,Xavier will start his nursery/daycare on 7 June 2010.Yippieeee!!! He will have more friends!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
"Gong Xi Fa Cai"

Monday, December 28, 2009
Blessed Chrismas and Happy New Year 2010!
We are grateful for those who have been reading our blog and we would like to wish you
Happy Christmas & Happy New Year 2010!
Our life journey have been guided by God and our loved ones. We are better parents as God blessed us with our parents, family members and friends.
Our wonderful son Xavier is now 18 months and 2 weeks old. We are very proud of him as he is learning each day to communicate with us and our learning process is making our life very meaningful.
Xavier's character up to date:
1) Active
2) Friendly
3) Sociable
4) Daring
Xavier's words:
1) Dada (for spank and dad)
2) Mum mum (meaning food)
3) Dog (which indicates dog and cat at times)
4) ish (for fish)
5) Jes (for Jesus)
Kavi's back from Aussie Land (for Holiday) and Xavier and the chocolate

Thanks to Kavi for the wonderful chocolate, discovered that Xavier started eating from the whole bar but luckily Mommy Irene was there to stop him from munching the whole bar. :D
He's loving it yeah!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Advent season
One of the cards reminded me of Christmas : "JESUS is the reason for Christmas".
I have started teaching bbX about how Jesus looks like. So, whenever I ask "Where is Jesus?" He will point at Jesus. I will praise him "Good boy!" and give him a big hug.
Nowadays, Chrismas season in Malaysia is becoming more commercial. Christmas trees nicely decorated everywhere in shopping malls and santa claus will be appearing very soon. We only meet the real Christmas in church and without the realization of the real Christmas, children will not realize that they are celebrating for Jesus Christ.
Therefore, the real Christmas gifts should be the gift of blessings and well wishes to our loved ones and fellowship gatherings with our loved ones.
I was thinking about putting up our Christmas tree for the coming Christmas but knowing that bbX will definitely put his hands on it, I think, Christmas is still fullfilled without the tree. I will be worry free without the tree in the living room and start to teach bbX that we do not need a Christmas tree during Christmas. We can still decorate it next year, but We need Jesus all the time.
Let's Dance!!
2) Also, the latest TMNET advertisement is a favourate of bbX! Whenever the English or Malay or the office version starts, he will run to the TV to watch it, dance and clap hands when finishes.
3) However, whenever I played Barney's show, bbX wasn't attracted. So, not all kids like the big purple dinosaur.
4) bbX loves dance music as well! let's BOOGIE!!!
Although I have violated the American Paediatric Association advice of letting children under 2 to watch TV, I bring bbX for outings and explore real environment such as the beach, waterfall, playground and fun with other kids.