
Saturday, November 29, 2008

KLCC Skybridge!!

Last Saturday (22-Nov-08), Auntie Ah Guek and her 4 kids plus her nephew came to KL. Since I don't have Steven's UNSER to pick up all 6 of them, Auntie Ah Guek decided that her 2 younger kids to tag along with us. So, since it's her 2 kids first time to KL and her long long time ago visit, Xavier and I took them for a tour and I decided to bring them to KLCC since it's a "must" visit place for tourists. I recomended them to the skybridge of the KLCC and told them that they need to go to the counter in the next day morning as the counter opens at 8.00am and ticket collection is first come first serve basis and once the quota is finished, tourists have to come back the next day. The skybridge visiting hours are between 10.00am until 7.00pm. Tourists are allowed to be in the skybridge for 10 mins only. However, we were very lucky as when we were querying at the counter, someone did not collect their 5 tickets and since there were 5 of us, including Xavier as 1 person, we got the opportunity to get to the skybridge! Adults were given tags and kids were given stickers.
When we entered the waiting area, we were given a 5 mins briefing about the KLCC construction, and most important, the owner is PETRONAS> hence Petronas Twin Towers.
Then a super fast lift took us up to the skybridge.

Here we are!

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